Shop our best selling collections for a range of styles loved by you. Whether you're looking to find your perfect painting with our signature styles or you're looking for that perfect art cover-up, we've got you covered.
“We reflect the tradition and success of our civilization and nation through handcrafted INDIC objects and collectibles.”

Bengal Pattachitra
The Bengal Patachitra is a visual and oral art tradition practised by the Patuas or Chitrakars of West Bengal. The word 'Pata' comes from the Sanskrit word 'Pata', meaning a kind of fabric/ cloth and ‘Chitra ‘refers to painting. These scrolls were visual accompaniments to stories told through songs and ballads.

We SupportThe Art & The Artist
We wholeheartedly support both the art and the artist. Recognizing their invaluable contributions, we strive to foster a thriving creative community where talent flourishes and enriches our lives